Thursday, August 5, 2010

Cordoba, Spain

The city lies in Andalucia along the banks of the Guadalquivir river. We arrived there early in the morning. our hotel was located just near the historical center, the second biggest in importance in Europe. Michael and I are ready to explore the city. The temperature is over the 37ºC! It is April 2010, regardless the heat Cordoba looks wonderfully attractive!

We had heard that Cordoba had three towns with three different languages, religions and traditions. There were Muslims, Christians and Jewish all these three towns living in such impressive armony. It is hard for me to believe such thing, knowing that for centuries, and nowadays people still kill each other because their believings. This coexistence served to show that it is possible to live in tolerance, not even having a common language neither a tradition, it is possible.. Their will to live in peace was bigger than their desire to conquer minds. Among those groups, la Judería from the Jewish side, had notorious culture. in one of the plazas of la Juderia there is a notable statue from the great Jewish  teologist  philosopher and medico Ben Maimónides, born in 1,135. He looked the truth, the sense of life, the acknowledgment. Maimonides rejected blind faith in creeds, in the fanaticism that nullifies all the freedom of thought and action. 
Among the famous streets of La Juderia, where someone can easily get lost! We found the precious Mezquita de Cordoba although its composition looks as a big cathedral. Years later under the catholic dominio it is given the name "La Catedral de La Asuncion de Nuestra Señora". The Mosque of Cordoba was built in 786. It is the second biggest Muslim temple in the world after the Mecca Mosque.

Inside the Mosque, the edification has the impressive number of 1,300 columns with bicolor arches.
Cordoba has impressed us so much for all its architecture, balconies, walls with hanged pot flowers making the city truly nice!
I am so thrilled trying out a fan, the temperature had raised a lot! Playing with my new toy made me feel like a Spanish girl but I didn't have such abilities to turn it back and fort in her stylish way. Well, it was try... Sigh. Every time I think there is a good spot to shoot something interesting, like this one in a botanical garden of Cordoba, when Michael was trying to get rid of the sun for a while. I was just playing with my new xsi rebel Canon camera!
If someone get lost, which really happens, just looking around the corners or walls, you will find written "reminders" that you are lost. Cool!