Friday, June 20, 2008

harvest time stars!

What a pleasant sensation when the harvest stars in your own garden ! It happened yesterday when we got our first and delicious tomato, some radish and basil.
There is a story about this tomato. We bought the plant too early (April), and we planted it during the cold weather. At the beginning the tomato plant looked nice with a small fruit, unfortunately this plant got the frost and it was ready to die. We put some crashed egg shells around the plant to feed it with calcium, also we added some compost and we covered with a special black plastic to warm up the soil. We just needed patience and care and here is the result! But it is not a good idea to buy plants with fruits in.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Saint-Gaudens Garden, NH

Saint-Gaudens was the summer home of one of America's greatest sculptors. The home, gardens and studios are in Cornish, NH. This is one of the National Historic Site that New Hampshire has in New England. The gardens are so beautiful around the house and several of his famous sculptures.Works such as the Shaw Memorial, continue to inspire people today and his design for the 1907 Twenty Dollar Gold Piece, is considered America's most beautiful coin.

Asian poppy flowers.

Peace... relaxing... breathing the nature... the fresh air...

...with cool shoes :)

A bug on the yellow flower

Monday, June 9, 2008

Swimming in the White River, VT

The days are hot and suddenly we decided to swimm into the White River in Vermont. The water was cool! but I hit my little toe against a rock.

The splendor of the Spring time here in New England.

Michael took these pictures, he loves this kind of trees.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Gardening time

Michael and I are so excited to star again working in a garden.

In Norwich, VT there is a Community Garden from Co-op (a supermarket). We stared to work the soil so early (mid May)We planted some tomatoes and days after we got a frozen weather and our plants ended up burnt, almost dead. Fortunately, we handled this issue very carefully, listening and reading advices from garden experts. We covered them with fabric and the tomatos were saved. This won't happened anymore in the future, for sure!

The space is 20 per 20 feet and we made a plan to plant Sun Gold tomatoes (orange little balls, very sweet), Early Girl, and Big Boy. In other section we have red and white onions, peas, green beans, hot peper, leeks, garlic, lettuce, potatoes, corn, and flowers growing by seed like baby's breath, sunflower, zinia, and some wild flowers.

This is not just for pleasure, it is because we discovered our passion for growing our own veggies. We do not have any experience on the topic, but we are trying to do the best reading gardening books, going to garden classes some of them free and paid, then we can solve problems with pest, decease and also learning tips of how to grow healthy vegetables.

I should mention that this community garden is very organized and informative we are learning how to deal with pests, knowing the kind of weeds, and there is a friendly partnership between all the gardeners.

Here are the holes to plant the yellow onions.

What a nice surprise today at the garden! A lovely friend, Karen made the day a pleasant one with her visit this morning, we haven't seen each other for a while.